Foods to Avoid During the 10-Day Program and the 2-Day Prep Phase ...​
preparing for your Jump Start (two days prior):
drink half of what you normally consume on the first prep day , then drink half of that reduced dose on the second day ; quit on the first day of our detox.
tip: exercise, lots of water, a hot bath and extra vitamin C can help reduce withdrawal headaches
go off alcohol cold turkey
don’t taper off; just stop
sweetened beverages
stop drinking any sugar-sweetened or artificially sweetened beverages
don’t taper off; just stop
processed foods
stop eating all processed foods
don’t taper off; just stop
also during the two days prior, Jump Start your kitchen by removing:
all processed foods and anything that is not real food, unless it is a canned whole food, such as sardines, tuna, artichokes, etc. with only a few real ingredients, such as water, vinegar, spices or salt.
any food or drink that contains sugar of any kind (even artificial sweeteners); this includes fruit juices, sports drinks, sodas, etc.
anything that contains hydrogenated oils or refined vegetable oils
any foods with preservatives, additives, coloring, or dyes
all gluten products (bread, pasta, bagels, etc.)
all grains (even those that are gluten-free)
all dairy products (including milk, yogurt, and cheese)
all beans, soy or soy-based products and starchy vegetables (e.g., corn, white potatoes, taro, etc.)
Additional Details/Further Info on What to Avoid ...
sugary/sweet foods
all sugar products including sugar, agave, honey, maple syrup, molasses, etc.
liquid sugar calories in sweet drinks – soda, sports drinks, sweetened teas, energy drinks, fruit drinks and other sugary drinks
fruit juices of any kind
high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes (e.g., stevia, sweet and low, etc.)
found in most baked goods; wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, and oats
all grains
including gluten-free grains
including breads, bagels, flours, pastas, cereals, and snacks, even gluten-free ones
milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, cream
casein (found in non-dairy products)
note: eggs are allowed.
beans or legumes
beans, lentils, split peas, etc.
note: green beans are allowed
processed foods
all processed and factory-made foods
chemicals, preservatives, additives ...
monosodium glutamate MSG – including anything with the word “glutamate” in it, gelatin, hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), textured protein, hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP), yeast extract, autolyzed plant protein, yeast food or nutrient, glutamic acid, autolyzed yeast, vegetable protein extract, anything “hydrolyzed”, protease, anything “enzyme modified”, anything containing “enzymes”, umami, carrageenan, bouillon and broth, stock, any “flavors” or “flavoring”, maltodextrin, barley malt or malt extract
refined oils
all refined and processed vegetable oils (e.g., corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil)
all types (e.g, beer, wine, spirits, etc.)
coffee and tea
soft drinks and energy drinks
other stimulants and sedatives
if you are on regular medication, don’t stop taking it without an okay from your doctor