EvERYbodY cAN hAvE A Fit bodY!
Countless studies show that regular exercise and staying active are essential to good physical health. At Empowered Fitbody, we guide you through a regimented fitness program showing you proper form so you can achieve optimal results. We help you gain core strength and muscle tone while increasing endurance and energy levels.
Along with fitness, proper nutrition is essential. Our bodies need to be fueled by specific nutrients found in proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The correct balance of these macro nutrients will help you achieve your personal fitness goals. We will work with you on a plan that ensures that what, when and how much you eat helps:
sustain your energy;
boost your performance;
keep you properly hydrated;
preserve your muscle mass; and
speed recovery.
Our programs are designed to ensure you achieve your goals. We hold each client accountable through ongoing support and personal attention. We monitor your progress, track your achievements and modify the program as needed. We are focused on your success and driven to help you get the results you're looking for.
Our fitness center offers a supportive environment that fosters a friendly, community-like atmosphere. We offer training and nutritional guidance in an intimate, comfortable and private setting.
Regardless of your age, goals or current condition, we determine your needs and create a plan designed to build your best body.
We make it easy too! We will guide you each step of the way through cardio, strength & resistance training and meal planning.
We believe there is no greater investment than the one you make in yourself. We will be just as committed to your goals as you are.
Our routines are designed to help you:
Lose weight & lower body fat
Build lean muscle & get stronger
Boost energy & reduce risk of chronic disease
Improve flexibility & balance
Increase core strength & reduce back pain
Learn good nutrition & gain confidence